Whether you have a particular project that’s got you stumped or a genuine interest in learning how to apply one of the “faux” painting techniques you’ve heard about, we can help. Even if you have nothing particular in mind, you can draw from the popular finishes that have been taught in more formal Painterly classes:
Make it stand out.
As trendy as any of these painting applications might become, understanding the basics could deliver more lasting usefulness. Basic Drawing involves the principles of composition and design, with endless relevance. And a number of “students” have found Color Theory of real help in decorating their homes – maybe that’s something obvious, but think about the mysteries of television ads?
Arrange either an individual tutorial or, with one or two (or more), a workshop class tailored to your needs. Either way, Painterly’s Chuck Fortunato will bring to them the same energy he devotes to every painting project.
Museum Tours and Events
Learning can be an especially social matter. Painterly’s Appreciating a Painting Like a Painter takes the form of museum tours that can be a recreational event for a small group of friends as easily as members of a social club as participants of a professional conference.