Enchanting a nursery . . .
Expanding a tight corner
Looking beyond the produce display cases
Guest bathroom posing as (mostly) Eighteenth Dynasty Egyptian tomb in fourteen photos
Drapery design inspiring the next three hand-painted details
Boating in the bath
Lending continuity to fragmented walls
Telling a story with Teddy . . .
Gardening an attic corner
Illustrating a personal storybook . . .
Painting a fence to update Tom Sawyer
Expanding Renoir's "Luncheon of the Boating Party" to expand a new Hampshire dining room
Stairway wall posing as a window to the street below . . .
from the first floor
then from the floor above
Closet posing as potting shed
Peeking behind a beach fence
Cellar stairs posing as back porch
Adding depth to a narrow space
Ceiling posing as a skylight
Chasing a fox over the door casings
Promoting a business in four photos
Kitchen wall posing as second-floor verandah
Hand-painting detail from adjacent wallpaper
Celebrating sports legends
Taking the term "galley kitchen" seriously
Racing at Deauville in your own backyard
Enjoying the roof-deck view on the stairway below
Imagining night in a fantasy international city
Expanding another tight corner, on the Arno
Opening a wall into the garden
Trompe l'oeil: Blank wall posing as fireplace
Plywood pedestal posing as limestone